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By popular demand, the Drunken Money Millennial Business Series is finally here.  This series will be bringing you real life millennials that are starting and running businesses, and we’ll be interviewing them to understand how they did it, why they did it, and maybe how you can too.

On our first episode in the series, we bring you John Ronayne owner of Brewgrass Homebrew Supply, a homebrew shop right here in Louisville where you can get everything from beer making equipment, grains, hops, wine kits, etc. From personal experience, he’s also the gentleman that helped write the recipe for the Drunken Money American Pale Ale. He’s great, and we’re lucky to have him on our first episode in the series.

In this episode:

  • How John ended up leaving “corporate America” to follow his passion.
  • Tips on how to run a successful business without being too corporate.
  • The importance of a healthy relationship when starting a business.
  • John’s retirement plan (he does not plan on retiring to the beach).
  • The extreme lengths John takes to provide exceptional customer service (feel free to call him on Christmas).
  • The “seacret” ingredient in many beers.
  • And much more!

If you’d like to find out more about John and his business, head over to his facebook here. He’s a wealth of information, and a great partner to have in your corner if you’re thinking about starting a homebrew. He’s also a great businessman, which you’ll hear in the podcast of course.

Please don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on stitcher, iTunes, or wherever you get your podcast.

Also, please sign up to receive our newsletter. We’ll be sending out a weekly email with various lifehacks, money articles, and ways to stay sharp as a millennial financial guru.