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When most people hear the phrase “power couples” they may think Brad and Angelina, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Tom Brady and Gisele, etc. But when it comes to Power Couples, there’s a new couple in town: Tyler and Katie Jury.

First off, Tyler is not only a dentist at Springhurst Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, but he is also part owner in Clayton & Crume, a handcrafted leather goods company in Louisville, KY.

Next up, is the real kickass side of the relationship, and that’s Katherine (or Katie) Jury. She is a phenomenal artist that creates exceptional pieces of art all right here locally.

John Ackerman and I had these two over to our recording studio after a trip to the brewery, and hilarity ensued. Oh, and by the way, all of this took place on St. Patrick’s Day. We apologize in advance, but prepare to be astounded by power couple Tyler and Katie Jury.

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