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On the weekend of April 7-9, I participated in Startup Weekend in my hometown of Louisville. Startup Weekend is a summer camp meets shark tank. In just 54 ideas, you turn an idea into a business all in the effort to impress the judges and win funding. And while my startup idea did not win, I was fortunate enough to meet and become quick friends with the winning team, and their founder Phil Brun.

Phil Brun started LifeBit, which is a wearable technology that can alert people with hearing disabilities to fire alarms and obviously save lives. Phil is an incredible salesman, business, and overall person. In just the small time I’ve known him, he’s taught me so much about business and sales, and I’m pretty sure I have about 20 new quotes all from just this podcast. That’s why I was ecstatic to have him on our show, and I can’t wait to hear YOUR thoughts about the episode.

On this episode

We of course splurged on a college favorite of Natural Light. Which I want to remind our listeners is incredibly cost-effective, and made for an even more fun evening after the mics were turned off. Drunken Money is a big fan of Natural Light.

If you’d like to learn more about Startup Weekend or find one near you, travel to their website HERE and sign up ASAP. And don’t worry if there isn’t one near you yet, because I can assure you, it will be coming soon.

Also, here’s a link to purchase the Ox Bow Incident, which Phil was already gracious enough to give to me.