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On today’s episode, we’re going to tackle a huge problem for most millennials: repairing and building credit.  Now for many of you, this may be a no-brainer. You may be sitting there with your 743 credit score and think, why do I need this episode? Well, you’re right. This episode isn’t for you. But if you’re sitting there and you have below a 700 or if you don’t even know what your credit score is, then listen in; this is the episode for you.

For links to the credit cards mentioned in the show:

Other than that, there are plenty of tools out there to help you build your credit. If you have any other issues, or think your issue is too big to solve, please email me at paul@drunkenmoney.com. Or DM us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Linkedin. We’d love to hear from you.

Also, don’t forget, if you make it to 700 as a result of this podcast, you could be YPAL’s first ever cheerleader. Our main goal for this podcast is to help people, so if you changed your score because of us, please reach out!