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Hannah Davis is owner and CEO of Bangs Shoes, an adventure inspired footwear company created to make the world a better place. She’s lived in multiple parts of the world, built an amazing brand, and she’s still committed to helping other entrepreneurs achieve their dreams as social entrepreneurs. We interviewed her all the way from Austin TX via Skype, to find out her story, her passions, and what we can expect from her next (SPOILER ALERT: she has no plans of stopping!) Enjoy, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

You can learn more about Hannah Davis and purchase some of her awesome footwear at her website BANGS Shoes. Don’t forget to also find her on FacebookInstragram, and Twitter.

Also, if you liked this episode, please don’t forget to send us an email and let us know your thoughts! You can email us at paul@drunkenmoney.com or john@drunkenmoney.com. You can also find us on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Linkedin.