The inspiration for this video came from my recent travels in the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. My girlfriend wants to see all the national parks in America, and damnit so do I!
So she and I took a long weekend trip to the mountains and had a hell of a time. But most importantly (why this pertains to the podcast) we ran into some pretty awesome guests. The Appalachian Trail runs through the park, and we were fortunate enough to hike a few of the miles of it. For those that may not know, the Appalachian Trail or AT for short is a roughly 2200 mile hike traversing the Appalachian mountain trail. People will take months to hike this or hike it in sections through day trips.
The Appalachian Trail
We ran into some people that quit their jobs to do it, so this got me thinking… how can millennials make the most out of their traveling and how does personal finance fit into this? Well Drunken Money will answer these questions in our episode today entitled the millennial traveler.