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Don’t worry–Drunken Money isn’t about to go political on you. Because I’m absolutely sure you’re fed up with scrolling through facebook and seeing way too many political posts. Want to do something about it? Well Drunken Money is hear to point you in the right direction with what we’ve entitled: a political party.

We invited Alexis Hebert on our show from Emerge Kentucky, and she is killing it right now in the political scene. She stopped by our show to help offer some advice to millennials on how we can all become more involved in the political sphere from the city, state, and even the federal level. And it doesn’t matter if you lean left or right or somewhere in the middle. Alexis and I made sure to keep this episode as partisan as possible, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

Alexis works for Emerge Kentucky, an awesome organization that is making real progress right here in the Commonwealth.

The state senator we kept mentioning in our show is named Morgan McGarvey, and he obviously lives right here in Louisville. Here’s a like if you’d like to learn more about him: Morgan Mcgarvey for State Senate.

The book Alexis was looking for but couldn’t remember is entitled Scrappy Little Nobody by the way…

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly newsletter and find us on social media. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode, so please drop us a comment or send us an email at paul@drunkenmoney.com.